tiistai 18. kesäkuuta 2019

Nostalgian täyteinen kävelyretki

Ensikskin brace yourselves, koska täs postauksessa on sikana kuvia! Tosiaa siis, tossa yks päivä tehtii Samin kaa kävelyretki Kiiskinmäestä Kanavansuun koululle, eli miun vanhalle ala-asteelle ^.^ Käppäiltiin eka Murheistenrantaan ja siitä Kanavansuun asuinalueitten läpi, ja näytin kaikki paikat missä oon asunu ja leikkiny :D Ja tosiaan lopulta saavuttiin koululle.
Oli iha super mahtii käyä siel koululla ja Kanavansuulla ylipäänsä, koska en oo ollu siellä ikuisuuksii :O Vaik moni asia oliki muuttunu, ni oli silti ihana nähä niit samoja pikku mettiä ja puita ja pusikkoja, joissa samoiltiin kavereitten kanssa pentuna. Pitemmittä puheitta, antaa kuvien kertoa loput tarinasta. Nauttikaa!
First of all, brace yourselves 'cause this post contains a lot of pictures! Anyhoo, couple days ago Sami and I took a walk from my mom's place (in Kiiskinmäki) to my former elementary school in Kanavansuu. First we walked to Murheistenranta beach and through the Kanavansuu's neighborhood, and I showed him all the places where I've lived and played :D And so eventually we arrived to the school.
It was amazing visiting the school and my old neighborhood 'cause I haven't been there in ages :O Even though many things had changed it still was so wonderful to see those same little forests and trees and bushes where my friends and I used to play as kids. Without further ado, let the photos tell the rest of the story. Enjoy!

When I saw this view I was amazed. This used to be nice little "meadow" where we would play and run around. And now it's like this little forest :O Whaaaaaat! Still nice tho

I mean really, doesn't kids anymore play here or what o.O

At the backround you can see one of the houses I used to live :D It's the farthest one

So cute :*

First of all, when I was little it took me one or two hours to get home after school, even though it should've taken only 20 minutes. I would climb in trees and rocks, and stop to look at the ants or funny looking leaf or basically anything :D And usually I would stop by this stone book and fictitiously write something on it. Often I was just saying hi to my old dog who passed away when I was little. To this day I still don't know what is the meaning with this stone book. There isn't anything there that would explain it. But you know, who wouldn't like a mystery ;)

Some of the rocks I used to climb :D

And finally we arrived at the school!

So many memories. Dem feels!


We used to play 'ruutuhippa' (square-tag) in this

Meet 'apinatalo' (monkeyhouse)

I really like this photo, even though I would prefer if also my face would be in it xD

He's a little frustrated to me 'cause almost as soon as he sat down I asked if he could stand up so that I could take a picture without anyone in it xp I might've had said that couple times earlier xD

Run forest run

My shadow looks so funny xD

That's all folks ;D On ehkä huomattavissa, et innostuin taas pitkästä aikaa kuvailemaan miu järkkärillä ^-^ Nähkäämme taas!
You might have noticed that I got excited about taking photos with my SLR after such a long time :D See you guys!


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